The members of ACSD, that recruited around the world shall be:-
Any one of the six grades of membership with following eligibility criteria:
Honorary Fellow Member (HonFACSD) – This grade shall be composed of the Past Presidents, who shall automatically be awarded this grade at the end of their year of service. Very outstanding engineers, technologists or mangers with significant contribution to the professional would be considered.
Fellow Member (FACSD) – This grade shall be composed of persons of exceptional distinction by reasons of outstanding and extraordinary qualifications, experiences, and sustained accomplishment in engineering or management, who have been senior members / members for at least 10 years. In special cases, at the discretion of the Board to review nominations for Fellow grade, the term of membership may be reduced to a 5-year minimum if it can be established that the nominee was actively involved for at least 10 years in work that provided outstanding support for related activities. Nomination for election to Fellow shall be made only by Fellow Members or the Board of Directors. Nomination shall be considered by a committee designated. Status as a Fellow shall begin upon such approval by the Board of Directors.
Senior Member (SenMACSD) – This grade shall have a recognized baccalaureate degree in engineering or management related discipline and a minimum of five years of professional experience, or have the required years of equivalent technical education and professional technical experience, or have distinguished service and noteworthy accomplishments.
Member (MACSD) – This grade shall have a baccalaureate degree or equivalent in engineering or a related management and have professional experience, or have the required years of equivalent education and professional experience but have not yet attained the experience and level of responsibility to qualify for grade of Senior Member.
Associate Member (AMACSD) – This grade shall be individual whose membership supports the objectives of ACSD but do not meet the requirements for Senior Member and Member; a recognized relevant tertiary Higher Diploma is necessary.
Student Member – This grade shall be composed of persons who, at the time of application, are post secondary students pursing studies for engineering or management.